Better Than Google?

Submitted by Calvin on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 02:13

What's better than Google Search?

Ok, I can think of lots of things I like better than Google Search; my wife and daughter, my guitar, pumpkin pie ... But what could be better for searching for stuff online than Google Search? Well, I happened to meet the President of Semanti Corp. at the Fast Track Business Super Conference a couple of weeks ago. He had an answer to that question and it's called SemantiFind.

Textmate "like" for Linux. Total Awesomeness!

Submitted by Calvin on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 20:57

A few weeks ago, my good old friend Dave (Emphasis on "old"), was bragging about how Textmate for the Mac was such an awesome editor that could do fancy things like write half your code for you, cutting your development time down drastically. I thought nothing of it. So what if I get carpal tunnel syndrome. By the time that happens I'll be paying smarter, younger people to write code for me. :) Secretly though, I was jealous. Why do Mac users get to have all the cool stuff?