Hit Record

Submitted by Calvin on Mon, 08/31/2015 - 10:07

Today's Best Thing is probably my favorite thing of the year so far.

Joseph Gordon Levitt appeared on Netflix one day, with something called "HitRECord on TV".  The first 3 thoughts through my head were:

  1. Hey it's the kid from 3rd Rock! (and other cool, stuff, I love that guy he's super talented, what's this show about?)
  2. ... "on TV", TV sucks, that's why I watch Netflix
  3. But it's JGL sooo, this should be good right?

It warranted a read of the description.

Hmm... "crowdsourced", cool, how modern!

4D Puzzle Platformer - Miegakure

Submitted by Calvin on Wed, 11/26/2014 - 09:45


I don't know how I came across this, but I want it!  Understanding higher dimensions has always seemed interesting.  I've just never felt like I had the time to learn the math.  I love examples that try to illustrate higher dimensions in the context of lower dimensions. The book Flatland is a good one. (Old and free on iBooks and possibly elsewhere. https://itun.es/ca/kvvUD.l ) Another example I like is the explanation of why a wormhole is a sphere in the film Interstellar.

Playing to Your Strengths

Submitted by Calvin on Sat, 06/14/2014 - 15:08

Hey peeps! 

First, this is not just spammy chain mail.  ;)  But it is part of a marketing campaign.  But these are my words, not their canned sales letter.  (My friends deserve better than that!) 

I have 10 coupon codes for a personal assessment thing I found interesting.  It's normally like 40 bucks.  Free for 10 people who want to use my code.

19th Century Insult Generator

Submitted by Calvin on Mon, 02/17/2014 - 20:24

So.... A friend of mine posted a chart on facebook that helps you make your own 19th century insult. I found it amusing but somewhat tedious, searching through the columns to string together my insults. There are 125,000 possible combintations, so I made a button to automate it. I present to you (especially Len), my 19th Century Random Insult Generator!

Spent a Dark Night Scribbling the Dark Knight

Submitted by Calvin on Fri, 11/29/2013 - 12:28

So I haven't really done any drawing in years, but I want to.  I wouldn't say I was ever any good but hey, with a little practice, who knows.  About a month ago I thought I'd start doing a sketch per day.  So far, 1 in 30 ain't bad, I guess.  This one took way too long for the sketch per day idea, so maybe it makes up for the 30 day slow start. :D

Independent ISP TekSavvy to the Rescue?

Submitted by Calvin on Mon, 08/12/2013 - 12:48

Internet (Shaw) keeps dropping (seemingly at peak times).  They keep jacking my rates but not my speed, bandwidth or reliability. Very frustrating.  Rather than deal with shitty product and customer service, I switched to TekSavvy.ca

-Chose the same download speed option as my current service. 
-Upload is 2x faster. 
-2.5x more bandwidth plus unlimited during the wee hours. 

Did I mention this will cost me 22% LESS per month?  (NOT a promotional rate)

Are We Willing to Leave It Behind?

Submitted by Calvin on Fri, 05/24/2013 - 14:03

As humanity speeds toward a "post-human" future, what will we be giving up?  Can we draw the line?

Whether we replace ourselves with robots/AI, virtual humans, or genetically engineered beings, do we break completely with our art, culture, soul?  Just as we no longer practice Shamanism or hunting rituals, will art, music and story telling disappear, in pursuit of higher efficiency, more data, and faster processing?