Spent a Dark Night Scribbling the Dark Knight

Submitted by Calvin on Fri, 11/29/2013 - 12:28

So I haven't really done any drawing in years, but I want to.  I wouldn't say I was ever any good but hey, with a little practice, who knows.  About a month ago I thought I'd start doing a sketch per day.  So far, 1 in 30 ain't bad, I guess.  This one took way too long for the sketch per day idea, so maybe it makes up for the 30 day slow start. :D

Sketchbook Mobile App

Submitted by Calvin on Sat, 12/03/2011 - 00:23

I used to draw a lot.  I have old sketchbooks filled with scribbles and thoughts and ideas.  Looking back I think it contributed to my clarity and general superpowers!  ;)  Creating things freely, without worrying about conforming to rules or timeframes was great exercise for my brain.  At the same time, practicing mental focus and attaining "Flow" or a zen-like state of consciousness of simply being in the moment and purely expressing myself, is an amazing state to attain.  (It could also lead to run-on sentences).