Better Than Google?

Submitted by Calvin on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 02:13

What's better than Google Search?

Ok, I can think of lots of things I like better than Google Search; my wife and daughter, my guitar, pumpkin pie ... But what could be better for searching for stuff online than Google Search? Well, I happened to meet the President of Semanti Corp. at the Fast Track Business Super Conference a couple of weeks ago. He had an answer to that question and it's called SemantiFind.

So Google is worth how many billions? Their database is how huge??? 63,272 Machines 126,544 Processors 253,088 GHz Proccessing ability 126,544 GB Memory 5,062 TB Hard Drive Space I found these stats on a forum page. I don't know if they're accurate but someone on the forum "verifies" they are, for around the year 2006. I'm sure they've grown a LOT since then. These numbers are staggering. I find most people can't wrap their minds around how big a Gigabyte really is, never mind 5 Petabytes!!!

Ok, with this knowledge how does a little start-up like Semanti Corp. out do Google? By making Google better of course! My company is all about leveraging technology so Semanti Corp is cool to me, because they REALLY leverage technology. Not only that, they enhance technology WITH technology!

How's all this going to help you? Well, Google Search is a "Search" tool. SemantiFind is a "Find" tool. They explain it much better than I can so check out their website and download their browser plugin. Last I heard, this was a public beta and might only be available for the Firefox Browser. Not using Firefox? You should be. Get it here:

Try out Semanti Find see if it makes finding what you're looking for easier. Send them feedback so they can make it better.