Poorman's Pantheon and Wunderflow

Submitted by Calvin on Tue, 01/01/2019 - 14:58

This is a rough guide to set up and support a "wunderflow" style branching strategy with code sync to various environments with git. It will show how to create a Pantheon-like multidev experience on any server, using git hooks, as well as how to bypass Pantheon's "serial" code workflow and use a more robust "parallel" workflow. See: Parallel Principle of Git Workflow

Parallel Principle of Git Workflow

Submitted by Calvin on Mon, 11/05/2018 - 00:09


I was working for a small web development company that was facing challenges juggling a lot of projects and developers of various skill levels. Platforms like Pantheon were starting to offer hosting options that made it "easy" to manage and test code before releasing it to production. Knowledge of git and version control was low. There was a combination of solo developing and project teams working together.

Scuttlebutt: Social Network With Privacy!

Submitted by Calvin on Fri, 04/07/2017 - 10:01

Just read a more interesting blog post than this will be.  I recommend you check it out.  Posting here for my reference.


Here's a link directly to the project: https://www.scuttlebutt.nz

I've often thought about this, but there's a huge difference between thinking and doing.  I'm glad there are doers out there!

Trump Ipsum

Submitted by Calvin on Tue, 07/26/2016 - 13:59

My text is long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my website. Trump Ipsum is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslim text entering your website. When other websites give you text, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending words that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing mistakes. They’re bringing misspellings. They’re typists… And some, I assume, are good words.

Parsey McParseface

Submitted by Calvin on Fri, 05/13/2016 - 10:46

A while back, Google open sourced Tensor Flow, a "Software Library for Machine Intelligence".  Woo!  Machine learning!

Now they've open sourced SyntaxNet a TensorFlow implementation for neural models of syntax, and a "pre trained" English parser Parsey McParseface.

If only I knew what to do with it all.