Grow the Mo!

Submitted by Calvin on Sat, 11/03/2012 - 02:41

So I've decided to finally do it!  It's Movember and I'm joining in the fun! 

The first time I heard about it a few years ago, I thought it was a brilliant fundraising idea.  Well, I'm generally skeptical of fundraising, particularly on a large scale.  Without a lot of due diligence on where the money actually goes, who's behind it, and does money = results, I'm not really one to get on board with these things.  And who has the time for that kind of due diligence with everyone that asks for money or support these days?

Well, Movember Canada claims 89.6% of funds raised, go to programs.  You can find their annual reports on their website

They support four different programs and that's great, except it means I have four more things to investigate!  Ok, let's face it!  I just want an excuse to grow a moustache!  I don't like shaving, so I've been a stubbly one, a beardy man and I've often sported a goatee (much to the embarrassment of the people around me, I'm sure), but a straight up, stand alone moustache?  I've never been so daring.

So while there is an opportunity to raise funds for men's health programs, I'll be into it more to remind myself and those I'm in contact with just to be healthy in the first place.  So it's all about awareness, I guess, and the manly swagger I'm sure I'll attain by pruning my facial hair in solidarity with other manly men.

I'll post more on my moustached adventures through the month of Movember.  For now know that on Movember 1st I was clean shaven.  A rare sight on my face.  Now as the stubble grows in, I have a decision to make; what style to grow?

You can view my "MoSpace" here:

And watch my MoBlog here: