Diaspora is LIVE! If you don't know, Diaspora is a DISTRIBUTED social network that's focused on privacy. Now before you go, "oh whoopty doo, another social network", checkout this page to find out why Diaspora exists.
It looks a lot like Google+, which launched earlier this year, and there's a reason for that. Apparently Google liked Diaspora so much, they basically copied it's look and feel, and more importantly it's "Aspects", which became Google+'s "Circles". A method of controlling who can view each thing you post by separating people into groups.
After Google+ launched with it, facebook quickly implemented a similar feature too.
The thing I like best is that Diaspora isn't controlled by one corporation, determined to track and capitalize on your interests and your social connections. It's distributed, and a Diaspora "pod" can be hosted by anyone who knows how. These "pods" connect to each other seamlessly so if you join one pod and I join another, we can still be "friends". ;)
The code is "open source" so there's a community of people around the world contributing to it and anyone can view the code to see exactly what it's doing. You don't have to guess at what it intends to do with your data and because it's community supported there are no ads and no hidden agendas.
You can signup at https://diasp.org/
Wanna checkout different "Pods" first? http://podupti.me/
I need some friends! Make a post with #sleepingmonk and I'll find you!